Connective tissue and joints

Connective tissue and joints

Silicon is an essential trace element that is important for the formation and maintenance of connective tissue. Connective tissue surrounds and supports the joints, including the shoulder, helping to keep them stable. Silicon is involved in the formation of collagen and elastin, which are important components of connective tissue. Collagen gives firmness to tissues, while elastin gives them elasticity.

Studies have shown that an adequate intake of silicon can help improve connective tissue and joint health. It can increase the elasticity and firmness of the connective tissue and thus help to relieve tension and pain, e.g. in the shoulder.

There are several sources of silicon in the diet, including whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Particularly good sources are oatmeal, brown rice, barley, lentils, green beans, spinach, broccoli and bananas.

It is important to note that silicon alone is not enough to treat tension in the shoulder. A holistic approach, which also includes regular exercise, stretching, physical therapy, and medication if necessary, is important to alleviate symptoms. It is recommended to always consult a doctor before taking any supplements or changing the treatment of shoulder tension.